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Ahh, the joy of Christmas! I can still remember the wide-eyed wonder when I was a child – the lights, the presents, and most of all the smells. The smell of old-fashioned plastic still makes my heart flutter. We all have our weird memories that just flood our hearts with nostalgia for the days when the entire Christmas season was one long adrenaline rush.

But what happened?  Some of us found that, as we got older, the wonder and excitement of Christmas seem to fade.  Sure, we love the tree, the parties, the gifts, but somehow it doesn’t seem the same, and we wonder why.  As time passes, some of us just assume that is the way it is, and that it is part of being an adult.

It doesn’t have to be that way.  Today I want to share my secret of how I keep the wonder of Christmas alive with all of its heart fluttering magic and rushes of adrenaline.

We all know the store of Christmas – that Jesus was born in a stable, that angels announced the birth to shepherds, and that wise men came from the east to worship him.

Let’s think a little deeper on that.  I have lots of favorite Bible verses, but here is one that ranks really high on the list:  Matthew 4:16 The people living in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned.

You have probably heard that verse hundreds of times, but stop and think about what it would really mean, if you were walking in darkness – a literal darkness, not a figurative one.  Walking always in the dark and having to grope your way around not knowing which way to go, if danger is near, or which way to flee if it is.

If a great light suddenly appeared, wouldn’t it make your heart leap for joy?  No more aimless groping about. No more fear of unseen danger. Yes! You would leap for joy.

Children love Christmas because it is like no other time of the year.  It lasts over a month!  It involves school holidays, candy, parties, lavish decorations, general excitement, and presents.

As we grow older we need to remember that there is more to it, and here it is.  The true joy of Christmas is that we were literally trapped in a dungeon of spiritual darkness and suddenly the glorious light of Jesus came into the world to dispel that darkness.

That is why we celebrate.   The knowledge of what Jesus did for us is cause for great celebration.  That celebration is expressed with such joy that we have special decorations. We celebrate with parties, and we celebrate with giving gifts.

This year remember that glorious light that appeared suddenly to dispel the darkness, and rejoice like never before.

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